In the middle of the technology hub
Wiretronic is a rapidly growing company, situated in Vänersborg, just on the south tip of lake Vänern and in Gothenburg, on the Swedish west coast. Our German office is in close vicinity to Stuttgart, the automotive centre in Germany. We specialise in developing and producing electronics, mechatronics, connector solutions and cable harnesses (prototypes, special tools and accessories mainly for aftersales) for the automotive and aviation industries.
Owing to the excellence and long experience of our engineers, we move fast from diagnoses to solutions.

In the middle of the technology hub
Wiretronic is located in west-Sweden, close to the European automotive centre of Gothenburg and in Esslingen, in the close vicinity of Stuttgart. Due to our location, we have access to the main automotive component suppliers. Excellent transport and commuting opportunities support employment of educated and experienced engineers from nearby located Universities.
Strong Network
One of our main strengths is our well-established network within the automotive industry. This enables us to rapidly respond to our customers’ needs as well as to deliver products on time. We believe it is due to our good relations based on trust, know-how and quality, we have some of the worlds’ most prominent car manufacturers as our clients.
In-house facilities
At the Vänersborg head-quarter, we have engineers, technicians, machinery and production facilities to meet any request and can rapidly respond with prototypes and design ideas. Serial production are carried out in partner factories in Czech republic and Slovakia.
Contact Information

Anders Danielsson
Vice President, Cables and adapters

Fredrik Magnusson
Senior Application Specialist

Charles-Henri Garih
Sales Germany / France
Tel DE : +49 1721 63 50 53
Tel FR : +33 6 14 70 09 66