Our Solutions
From idea to delivered product
Whether you are within Automotive, Defense or Aviation industry, or even racing, Wiretronic offers you fast and flexible tailor-made solutions. Thanks to our well-established relations with major component suppliers combined with our network of highly skilled craftsmen, mechanics- and electronics manufacturer gives Wiretronic the edge to bring you solutions and products faster than any of our competitors on the market, to our knowledge.

Smart-R – Innovative and patented solution for remote fault detection in wire & connector
A multi-patented user-friendly tool for defect wire diagnostics. Smart-R is based on Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology. Developed and validated with automotive and avionics OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers. Good accuracy of the fault location (within a few % of diagnosed cable length) Locate permanent

Service kit for repair of connectors – repair to production standard
Wiring harnesses in vehicles are frequently located in inaccessible positions which makes repair difficult. The tight fit does not allow the technician to cut the faulty wire and crimp a new terminal to the wire without extending the wire. Correct crimping tools are mandatory to

Extraction tools set – precision made tool to minimize risk for connector damage
By using the dedicated extraction tools set, damage to terminals and connector housing is minimal. Each extraction tool is precision made and matched to a specific terminal and connector housing. A successful extraction of a faulty terminal from a connector prevents major rework of the

Super Break-Out-Boxes (SBOB) for development engineers and ‘flying doctors’
A traditional BOB is intended to be used for voltage measurements using multi-meter or oscilloscope. An SBOB is primarily designed to be used for current measurement. SBOBs for current measurement are traditionally used by research- and development departments and ‘flying doctors’, staff especially trained to

Break-Out-Boxes (BOB) for automotive workshops
For each relevant Electronic Control Modules (ECU) in a vehicle, an adapter cable is designed to support the technician when carrying out adequate fault identification and advanced repair work. This method is used when traditional OBD II diagnostic fails to identify an error. The BOB

Adapter cables
Wiretronic develop and produce adapter cables in large quantities for a large number of Electronic Control Modules (ECU’s) to OEM workshops world wide. The adapter cable is inserted in between the wiring harness and the ECU. The adapter cable is frequently used in conjunction with

HV prototype and low volume parts
HV products are in increasing demands from the automotive industry due to transformation from fossil fuel vehicle to electric propulsion. To be able to service and maintain electric vehicles, a new generation of tools are required in workshops. The tools to be used in electric

3D printed connectors and prototypes
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. Wiretronic provide 3D added manufacturing for certain parts when past last time buy or not available on the market. Parts required in small volumes not able to

Cable production to military standard
Defence customers require design and production support to meet project demands. Wiretronic is a ‘High mix – Low volume’ producer well suited to meet cable production demands for defence customers. Wiretronic has facilities and trained staff with relevant documented skills for production of cables to

Prototype and pre-series automotive Electrical Distribution Systems (EDS)
Automotive EDS development requires prototypes and pre-series units to be built into rigs or prototype vehicles. Wiretronic, known for being a ‘High Mix – Low Volume’ manufacturer produces prototypes and pre-series volumes in Sweden. Higher volumes are produced at the partner factory in Slovakia. At

Break-Out-Box (BOB) for automotive and defence use
Break-out-boxes are common in the industry and designed and configured for different purposes. Traditionally, in automotive workshops, voltage measurement is the predominant use of BOBs. Within research and development departments or ‘flying doctors’, BOBs for current measurements are frequently used. Wiretronic have designed and produced

Service and maintenance platform
A major international manufacturer of forest and garden products required a facility to test and maintain several generations of robotic lawn mowers in one test bed. Wiretronic devised a workbench top with built-in capability to test all generations of robotic lawn mowers ever produced. The

Simulators for automotive and defence industries
Automotive and defence products manufacturers with demands for component and systems testing require support for design and simulator manufacturing. Wiretronic use its wide knowledge and procurement channels for automotive and defence related connectors, terminals and cables to produce one-off simulators or test rigs in large

Electrical distribution Systems (EDS)
A new OEM emerges in the marketplace, with an ambition to serve the market versatile electric vehicles. After the first prototypes were built, the customer searched for a partner with engineering competence, capacity to build wiring harness systems for serial production and provide technical support.

Electronic Filtering Unit
An international producer of defence equipment identified in an ongoing project the need for an apparatus filtering signals between units. The customer was short on resources and available packaging space challenged design engineers to meet electrical-, mechanical- and environmental requirements. Wiretronic was awarded development, product

Electric Rear Axle Drive (ERAD)
A large vehicle manufacturer identified, at the end of a vehicle development program, the urgent need for a safety integrity device protecting the electric motors, vehicle passengers and road users against potential malfunction with hazardous implications. Wiretronic was awarded development and serial production of the